
Friday 18 November 2011

Small Holes In Battery Boost Strength By More Than Ten Times

Scientists at Northwestern University in the US have altered the substances in lithium-ion batteries to increase their abilities. Well, we are talking about something which is very very huge as far as technology is concerned. Just imagine your mobile phone batteries or your laptop batteries charging at ten times more speed and can maintain the charge for more time than currently possible. Amazing, right? This involves a method of making millions of tiny holes in the battery. These batteries should be available in some five years, stated the scientists.

A totally exhausted battery, designed by this technique, will be completely charged in fifteen minutes, and will have much more longer life than its counterparts currently available. The key lies in the motion and density of the Lithium ions. Dr. Harold Kung along with his team have developed a way by which they can now crowd in more lithium ions and accelerate their movement by by varying the materials employed to fabricate a battery. The maximum charge has been boosted by replacing sheets of silicon with tiny clusters of the substance to increase the amount of lithium ions a battery can hold on to. Even the recharging has been speeded up by employing a chemical oxidation process that potentially drills tiny holes of 20-40 nanometres width in the graphene sheets used in making the battery. This actually eases the movement of the ions.
So far, the team has worked only on the improvement of anodes, where current feeds in the battery. Now, they aim to improve the cathode too, where current feeds outside the battery. This study by Dr. Kung and his team has been recognized and published in the journal Advanced Energy Materials.

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